Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The movie theater

The movie theater

In my view, the theater needs a lot of improvements. Why do people just pay an arm and leg for tickets prices and food? Also it annoys me a lot to hear constant munching on popcorn and the noise of wrappers during a movie. Are people that addicted to eating? I remember several studies that proved people eat more when they are watching something on television, and at the theater. They just keep shoveling the food in their mouths, and don't even realize it! My advice to prevent this: eat before you go to the movies. This saves you money, and makes you less annoying in the first place. The movie theaters don't need to make your money from their overpriced food.

Random Thoughts #5

I've been sick since Sunday. My nose is stuffed up, I have a headache and a sore throat. I've been taking nasal spray, and some pills. However they haven't done much yet. It's just a cold I believe, but it's annoying. I can't seem to even stay awake for long. Then when I do sleep, it's for a long time.

A warning to people that buy used books: look inside the book more. Many stores sell used books that have pen marks, ripped pages and even stickers stuck inside. I find this a horrible resale practice. The store should take the time to clean the book up more, otherwise sell it for cheaper.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wikipedia, IRC and internet language


I've mentioned this in my blog before, and it's time I brought it up again. Why are people so obsessed with articles on Wikipedia at times? It's not just vandals, it's regular editors that are too involved with an article. To the point, that it's controlling and they act like they own the article. Settle down people, it's a website where everyone can edit! Also, at times people don't even pay attention. I've gotten several messages from people that obviously didn't read all the comments posted. READ CLOSELY! It's not hard to do. Then there is the anti-deletionists. I'm fine when they have a point and actually know policies. But this one editor doesn't read policies, and chooses to ignore many of the ones he thinks he's read completely. His excuse of "Wikipedia isn't paper" is one of the lamest things he posts in many deletion debates. Apparently in real life, he is a teacher. If that's true, his students are learning the wrong things. Lastly: I got harassed and yelled at for a busy tag. Yes, you heard right.. a busy tag?! I was called a liar, because I wasn't away non-stop when the tag is on my talk page. The kid didn't understand the purpose of the tag, even when myself and others explained it. If something minor as a busy tag bugs you, perhaps you shouldn't be on Wikipedia in the first place. (Note: I'm in reference to the english Wikipedia only, with these comments. I don't visit the other language Wikipedia sites.)


In case people don't know what IRC is, I'll explain it briefly before I rant about it. It's a series of chat rooms, for tech support (and other help) as well as just chatting. It's a lot better than using email most of the time. However, the idiots run wild on it. First there is the admins (also known as ops), that block you for the tiniest thing. However, when their friends do something even worse (racist comments and so on)... not a thing happens. These admins don't deserve jobs, period. However my biggest complaint about IRC: all the inactives. The IRC rooms (for Wikipedia and several others) are packed with people, however only a small percent actually chats. People need to stop wasting energy and turn off their computers when they aren't using them. At times the rooms are in full and can't be entered, due to the inactives. (Note: this is for the regular IRC, not any seperate ones that are around.)

Internet language

Why have people turned typing into a thing of laziness? Exhibit A: okay was demoted to ok, then it's demoted to just the letter k (in many cases). Is it that hard to type four letters?! I'm fine with ok usually, however just the k (over and over as responses) usually gives me the impression the person isn't even paying attention. Some other examples:

lol: it means laugh out loud, but the way it's used now... it seems to be just chat filler most of the time. Just type haha if it's funny, otherwise DON'T post lol at all.

BRB: be right back. This one is fine with me.

Owned: this is probably the most overused thing that is said during/after online games. The word is stupid, and needs to just go. The same thing goes for "pwned" which is just a different way to say owned, and apparently it means the "owning" was a lot bigger.

Random Thoughts #4

Why do people ramble in chats at times? This week (as one example): I've heard detail by detail of some guy's dad playing a video game. Am I supposed to care? This might sound rude, but I simply don't need to know every detail.

Is it even necessary to buy video games anymore? Many people brag they beat the game only weeks (or even less) since they bought it. Why waste $50 (or in many cases: money from your parents, because you don't have a job), when you can rent for a lot less? Then there is the spoilers (key events in the game), that are said... even when you do NOT want to hear them. I shouldn't have to wait until I beat the game to visit boards/chats about it. I also don't think I need to avoid every chat and message board just because of everyone else's ignorance on the matter.

People complain about inactivity on message boards too much. Why can't they just be bold, and help the matter out? They whine because there is no good topics to post in. However, they can easily make one if they wanted. If they can't, perhaps they shouldn't be on the message board in the first place. It's like going to a baseball game: it's hard to catch a foul ball, unless you actually try to get it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Recent events

I haven't posted here for a while. No I didn't go missing, I just wasn't in the mood to post. Here's a few things that I've done since then, plus a new random thoughts.

Wrestling (March)

I went to the WWE show in March and got a lot of great photos. The only downsides were the table didn't break during the main event, and I had to walk a bit to get into the building. Parking was a pain.

Jeopardy (April)

I went to a Jeopardy taping in April, and it was pretty fun. They taped three thows which aired in May. I watched the shows, but wasn't on camera from what I saw.


Not much to note in my life this month. I bought Mario Kart Wii and Boom Blox, both are very fun video games that I highly recommend. I've also applied for jobs a few places, but no responses yet.

Random Thoughts #3

I'm so sick of hearing about rising gas prices on the news. Yes we know it's going up! Why report each new record, every day? I'm sure you can find other things to report about, stop being so lazy. On the subject of gas prices, perhaps if people would carpool more... prices wouldn't be a big deal. The prices aren't fair, but it's not like they will magically go down anytime soon.

What is with all the crap on network television now? New replacement shows (for the regulars now in reruns), include mostly celebrity crap and game shows. I think I would take reruns or sports over most of those.

Also on the subject of celebrities, why are there so many shows focused on the lives of celebrites? There is one for the Kardashians (Kim is a "socialite" that was friends with Paris Hilton, and yet another sex tape celebrity), one for Gene Simmons, one coming out for Lindsay Lohan's sister and so on. I guess we can blame this trend on the Osbournes, Nick+Jessica and other similar shows. Stop being addicted to celebrities, then this nonsense can stop airing.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bad drivers, baseball, random thoughts #2

Bad drivers

Why must so many people be bad at driving? It's been a bad winter here, and people usually blame the weather on the accidents. But frankly, it's the drivers that are most to blame. People drive like they always do, or just too slow in bad storms. This leads to most of the accidents in the winter here, in my view. There is bad ice on roads, but if you're careful on it... you should be fine usually.

Then there is the ignorant drivers, that think they own the road. People blast their horns, thinking it will help things. It just makes others mad, and doesn't fix a delay. If I had the power to do so: I would put all the people that do this in a room, and force them to listen to loud horns for a while. Learn to grow up people, horns shouldn't be abused just because you have road rage.

Lastly, there is the annoying drivers. People that play their music so loud, it vibrates all other cars nearby. Noise pollution needs to stop.


Major League Baseball starts in a little over a month. This is my favorite sport, so I'm getting excited. My Brewers have a great lineup this year, so it's very possible they will be in the playoffs. Last year they did well, but then struggled. This year looks very promising for them. The steroid scandals will probably turn some people off of the game, but in the long run: I doubt it will have huge effects on the popularity of baseball. More laws and regulations against steroids will be put in place, and that should fix things. Personally, I find it stupid that people need to use steroids and other drugs to enhance their ability. Play the game how it should be played: without enhancement drugs. If you don't have the ability to play (without using drugs), then you probably shouldn't be in the major leagues in the first place.

Random Thoughts # 2

Only a few weeks until Super Smash Brothers Brawl comes out. I will probably get it when it comes out, but I don't think I will wait in line at midnight. Some stores have midnight sales for the obsessed fans that can't wait. It doesn't matter if you buy the game at a different time: it's still the same game. Sometimes people need to just be patient, instead of being so obsessed over something.

I'm going to a WWE wrestling event in March. It's a house show, which is a show that's not televised. Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels and more will be in action.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Snow, Super Bowl and random thoughts


It's been snowing a lot here lately. The other day, many people were stranded on the interstate due to the storm. They were stuck for many hours. I find it a bit annoying when the news makes a big deal out of an odd cold day (in a usually warm city). Deal with it! One cold day isn't that big of a deal. Trying living in Wisconsin's winters, then you might realize what cold really is.

Super Bowl

I'm not a huge fan of football in general, so I didn't watch much of the game. I think it's a bit out of hand how much people pay the network to air commercials now. Seriously, do advertisements for the most known products even need Super Bowl exposure anymore? Pepsi, Coke and Nike as some examples. Also, why such the hype for the commercials anyway? Most of the time they are stupid and aren't even about the product itself. Some people even watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials. What's the point of that? A majority of the commercials will air later, and are easily found online after the event.

Random Thoughts #1

Since my blog is about random thoughts, I will have this section from now on. Instead of many small sections, I will group several together to end the entry.

Why do most stores have to sell groceries now? Wal-Mart, Kmart, Shopko and many more retailers offer a lot of food. In my view, grocery stores work just fine. Most retailers with the exception of a few, sell food at high prices. I guess the stores assume people will want to get everything in one place. It obviously is working, as this trend doesn't seem to be ending soon.

Movie theater food/beverage pricing is just out of hand. The same goes for sporting events. A lot of these places ban you from bringing in your own food and drink (just so they can rob you blind with their prices). A good suggestion: eat before you go to the theater. If many more people did this, theaters would lower prices or simply stop offering food.

I enjoy comedy, and it's a great way to relax. Some of my favorite comedians are: George Carlin, Bob Newhart and Larry the Cable Guy. I also enjoy sitcoms on televison, as well as comedy movies. Just about any Bill Murray, Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler movie is worth watching.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Recent passings

Heath Leader, Bobby Fischer pass away

Yesterday, Heath Ledger was found dead due to an overdose. This is certainly sad news, as he was a great actor. Some people are saying it was suicide, but I think that's a bit wrong to say. Not every overdose in history has been suicide. The assumption of "it's an actor, so it must be suicide" is very ignorant.

(His last completed role was as the Joker in the newest Batman movie, due out later this year.)

Since I havent had time to update my blog, I also want to discuss the recent death of chess legend Bobby Fischer. He passed away on last week on January 17. He was a true great in the world of chess, however his anti-American ways were simply ignorant in my view. It's pretty clear he went crazy at some point in his life. I suggest that people should see Searching for Bobby Fischer. It's a great movie that is about a young boy that is very good at chess just like Bobby was.

Rest in peace Heath and Bobby.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lazy typers, poker and card games

Lazy Typers

Why are people so lazy when it comes to typing out full words on the internet? I find it very annoying they can't type a few extra letters.

Some examples:

4 instead of for or four

u instead of you

Then there is the people that spell things wrong on purpose, "wut instead of what" and so on. People simply can't be that bad at spelling, can they? I suppose part of it is due to bad spelling, and part is them thinking it's cool I guess. Well it's not cool, people need to stop taking shortcuts just to be a very tiny bit quicker.

Poker and card games

I'm a huge fan of no limit Texas hold 'em poker. I play in free online tournaments (that have cash prizes) daily. Usually each is a few thousand people, and I make it in the top 100 in most of them. I've only won a few tournaments however. In general, I enjoy most card games: uno, solitaire, spades, cribbage and so on.